THIS VIDEO IS DEFECTIVE. PLEASE SEE THE OTHER VERSION. THE SOUND GOES OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS RECORDING. YOU CAN READ THE REST OF THE SCRIPT HERE, OR GO TO THE NON-DEFECTIVE VERSION, TO HEAR IT. THANK YOU. –nb (The Olympic banner’s five joined rings represent international brotherhood, but a ring is broken.) Beijing, in the summer of 2008, will host the world’s top athletes who support *Genocide, *Slavery, *Religious Intolerance, *Cultural Repression, & *Selling Deadly Products to Americans. Nations that participate, tourists who go, and advertisers who pay for China’s Genocide Olympics also actively support those 5 points. Their actions help squelch civil liberties. These athletes, advertisers, tourists and nations are opposing health codes, human rights and freedom of the press. They’re actively opposing self-determination for the occupied peoples of Tibet and Eastern Turkestan. Between them, Tibet and East Turkestan make up well over half of what is called China on the map, but the people are not Chinese. Tourists at the Genocide Olympics can ride the world’s most destructive railway, recently carved through formerly pristine mountains to the Tibetan Plateau. There, they’ll experience a Disneyesque version of Tibetan Buddhism, fake Tibetan Buddhism approved by the Government. Fake Tibetan Buddhists who deny the Dalai Lama. And in Northeastern China, Master Yu, who heads the 1200-year-old Esoteric School of Buddhism was arrested. Qi-gong masters are not allowed to

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