Cupid Ep15 – “Botched Makeover” (3/5)

“Botched Makeover” episode from the series Cupid starring Jeremy Piven and Paula Marshall. This is the last episode sadly. I hope you’ve enjoyed the series as much as I have. 🙂 If you just can’t get enough Cupid, Rob Thomas has 2 unfilmed scripts from the show on his web site (

“There has been a “drug culture” since the dawn of civilization. Sumerian cuneiform tablets from 3000 BC show a poppy harvest, as do ancient Egyptian scripts and Greek statues adorned with poppy crowns. Far more recently, Freud sung the praises of cocaine, which was included in the original recipe for Coca-Cola. But since the industrial revolution, drug use has changed dramatically, and society’s response to this–particularly in America–has been to demonize users and make drugs illegal. Hooked explores the world of illegal drugs, meeting with pharmacologists and scientists to learn exactly what effect they have on us and exploring the social and legislative changes that have transformed (and, some would argue, created) the drug culture of the 20th century. Outspoken advocates on both sides of the “war on drugs” illuminate this polarizing issue, and fascinating accounts and artifacts illustrate the role of drugs throughout history.” Full title: “Hooked: Illegal Drugs and How They Got That Way” (2000)
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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