Selling a Website, needed some help?

Question by shakeadoo2: Selling a Website, needed some help?
I currently own and operate a website that’s been active for almost 6 months and I have simply lost intrest and don’t have the time to market it properly. It’s an excelent website built, running and covers the braudest of ranges around the subject of Guitars. My question is I don’t really know how much to ask for it or if I can even sell it. My problem is I built it with a hosting program that comes equiped with all the things needed and isn’t like dreamweaver or anything like that, you simply go through color’s formats, display info and the like and it will put everything into HTML for you. Is this a common thing and can I simply pass on my login information, to which whoever buys it can change later? It is a Highly usable program and covers excelent features like an onsite blog, the use of java script, and already designed theme’s…etc. The site is complete already though and has over 100 working quality pages. I’m just curious if anyone may have any useful info or tips who has done this before?

thanks ahead of time for the help, it’s deeply appreciated

Best answer:

Answer by Neeraj_Kumar
Try to sell on digital There are lots of people who will bid on your site.

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