What does it take for a big girl to make it in the movie business???

Question by Guitar_chick: What does it take for a big girl to make it in the movie business???
I’m a big girl. and by big i do mean kinda fat. but even if i got really skinny I’d still be “big” it’s just how i am. I have been told by so many people, by my past theatre teacher. a casting director and some fellow actors that I am a really good actress. But I’ve also been told that the only problem I have is that i am a big girl, and thats not “IN” right now.

I was thinking of writing my own stuff and try getting someone to do it with me in it just so i can show people. I’m a decent screenwriter. I’m just wondering because this is something i wanna do so bad and I feel so stuck.

Best answer:

Answer by Matt B
Naturally, there are fat people roles in films. If you can act, I would expect that roles wouldn’t be too too hard to find. You just have to shoot for that particular niche.

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