how much does a screen writer get paid and how?
Question by Girly G: how much does a screen writer get paid and how?
i’m about to sell my movie script to a production company and i’d like to know how do i get paid. i know its per movie script but how much does it start at? and do i profit any money from the box office royalties? how much percent of the box office royalties do i get? thank you.
Best answer:
Answer by pink
It all depends on how popular of a writer you’re, how in demand you’re, how much they want the script, who or what type of production company you’re selling it to (big or small). You can easily get ripped off if you’re selling these scripts on your on so you might want to consider getting an agent. Some of the big name writers can get up to 500,000 per script.
It depends on your contract but usually you will not get any box office royalities. Once you sell your script, that’s it, it’s theirs to what they please with it. However, they could always hire you to do a rewrite.
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