Help with my mac movie editing software?
Question by Hermione: Help with my mac movie editing software?
Ok, this is going to take nothing short of an Apple genius. (who I have talked to many times FYI)
I have just bought a macbook pro and final cut pro software. Making movies is the only point of the computer, I bought it for no other function. Apparently though, my camera doesn’t take to Mac computers. (it is a JVC Everio, hard disk camcorder) One of the apple people I called taught me how to use imovie as a sort of middle ground for my two electronics. In Imove, I imported the clips, and exported them with quicktime in the format (or whatever) ProRes 422. This works. The files that are in final cut now are working fine. (before the video was sort of sketchy-like on a strob effect, and there was no sound-only a beeping.) These files work now.
The problem: I have many more files that I need that are not on the camera. They are on a hard drive. I movie will not except the hard drive. I go into import, and they will not be able to be grabbed. Drag/crop, not working.
HOW DO I GET MOVIE CLIPS (in the same format as on the camera) INTO IMOVIE?
The apple guy I talked to this morning told me something about yet another connector program that puts the files in like, .dv form(?) (I have never heard of this.)
If anyone knows how I can
A) download this “.DV” software converter thing
or B) use a different method to get the files off of the hard drive
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me. I am begging you. I have spent over 4 hours on the phone with apple, and (as always) they are proving kind of useless. Anything you have for me, I appreciate.
Please no joke answers or “I don’t know!” “why are you doing this?” yeah, non of that. Real answers please. Thanks so much guys!
Ok, people. I appreciate your help, but I am NOT looking for a different converter! I need to make imovie talk to the hard drive.I have tried aprox. 15 other converters. NONE of them worked. Imovie works for the camera, but I need it ot work for the hard drive too. Please help with that. ^_^
Best answer:
Answer by Gregory Allen Mansheim
Try ffmpegx! It’s open source = free!
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