Q&A: Make Movie Over Summer, I Need Help!!!!?

Question by matt: Make Movie Over Summer, I Need Help!!!!?
Hi, ok first off i would like to say i am a really big movie fan. I am currently 15 and love pretty much any type of movie; action, drama, comedy, suspense, horror, etc. For this summer, i thought i basically would start a “project” that i can work on throughout the summer. The project i was thinking of was creating a movie. I have a pretty basic digital video camera but i dont really have much knowledge on video editing, special effects, and all other movie stuff. Plus i need help with an idea about the movie. So i was hoping i can get some suggestions and ideas on what to do and also if there are any good websites out there for beginners that may guide me along my way. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Ms.Firefly
You could edit with pretty much any editing program. Most likely your computer came with one, depending on the computer. You could use windows movie maker (thats what I use) The only thing about windows movie maker is that you can’t do speical effects like CGI or any sort of green screen sort of stuff. Its basically good for putting the scenes together, putting music/voice overs and titles.

Your local library should carry books about film making. If you don’t know what kind of film you should make (action, horror..etc) then you should check out this book “Movie Plot Generator” http://www.movieplotgenerator.com/ you can get ideas for the plot, character and setting.
It really depends on what kinds of movies you like, for me I mostly make horror and action because for me they are really easy.

If you need any more info/help feel free to contact me

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