How do I make my own music video on my PC using video (MPEG), JPEG images, iTunes music (m4p) and mp3?
Question by Shaula Brandt: How do I make my own music video on my PC using video (MPEG), JPEG images, iTunes music (m4p) and mp3?
I have both video and still images I want to blend together to make my own music video. I have music in Wav, MP3 format and M4P (iTunes) format. My video is mostly in MPEG format, but I also have some Quciktime video as well. I have MS Movie Maker, but it can not import the M4P format or Quicktime. Is there a freeware / shareware version (or at least reasonably inexpensive) audio and video editor software that can import all my different formats to make a music video?
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goldwave audio:
multiquence sequencer
(same company ^)
rad video tools:
nero(burn it)!
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