What’s a good basic plot-line/idea for a stop animation movie?

Question by Dido: What’s a good basic plot-line/idea for a stop animation movie?
I lack creativity. I would like to make a stop motion movie, but what should it be about? I need ideas! Please and thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Dead End
Anything that can be moved in front of a camera can be used to do stop motion. Plastecine, old clothes, books, toys, anything. Maybe these examples will get your imagination going.

There’s a guy who goes by the name of PES who uses ordinary household objects to do animation:


You could use paper cutouts to do animation:

You can even use fruit:

Sesame street used to do this animated short with characters on glasses:


Pretty much anything you can move in front of a camera can be used for stop motion. Even yourself!



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