twilight movie.?
Question by _1214: twilight movie.?
I know there’s a ridiculous amount of twilight questions on this sight, but I am also an obsessed fan of the books and when I heard they were making a movie i was really excited. I mean, I love the cast. I think they fit PERFECT! but I was reading an interview on Kristen Stewert at and she mentioned some things about the movie that I’m positive didn’t happen in the book.
so anyways I was wandering anybody know if there going to base the dialog and scenes around the book, or do you think they will completely butcher the story?
heres the interview:
Best answer:
Answer by fakecows08
well from what i’ve heard extras from the set blog’s, most of the movie is similar to the book. they’ve added a few new scenes and are changing some things, but not enough to make it totally bad
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