Q&A: Anyone Knows a site to download and listen music for movie trailers?
Question by JavierChM: Anyone Knows a site to download and listen music for movie trailers?
Hello, well I’m working on a movie and is almost finished I just need to make the trailer, but I have no idea where to find this instrumental/theatrical music for trailers.. If anybody knows a site please tell me..! Thank you! I’ve already look in soundtracks.net/trailers and tha web page sucks, You can’t try the song, Its difficult to find what you are looking for, and I don’t know where to download because is have no information -.-
So you know any useful info would be great! Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by mr.dfleming57
lots of music machines let you listen and surf, so when you can run both, type the address from the address bar
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