Q&A: About importing music on to a slide show using Windows Movie maker?
Question by hellokitten418: About importing music on to a slide show using Windows Movie maker?
I’m making a slide show on windows moive maker with the anime Fullmetal ALchemist. I tried to import a song into it with my iTunes, but it wont work! When i go to the music folder it shows that nothing is there! What should i do? Is it because i’m not donw ith the slide show yet or something?
PS, i tried to make an AMV but i had trouble with that, which is why i siwtched to making a slide show instead, if u have any tips for making a good AMV then i’m all ears! And i need sites to downoad episodes off of too.
Best answer:
Answer by Dana LN
Windows Movie Maker does not support iTune music. It supports the following audio files : .aif, .aifc, .aiff, .asf, .au, .mp2, .mp3, .mpa, .snd, .wav, and .wma
You have to convert iTune to any one of the above format or import other music of any accepted format.
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