How to convert flip video to windows movie maker?


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How to convert flip video to windows movie maker?

How to convert flip video to windows movie maker?
With the Flip Utra and Flip Mino series, flip video camcorder has made great improvement in the design, video quality and viewing LCD. The stylish outside appearance and smoothy touch can be fashionable and fantastic for you. The less compressed high definition video quality will bring you excellent visual-audio experience. And the upgraded LCD with great resolution allows you to display or record super-clear views easily in bright sunlight.

Windows Movie Maker is a basic video creating/editing software included in Microsoft Windows, which has provide effective and simple way for most amateur filmmakers to craft movies. Sometimes, when we import some flip video files to Windows Movie Maker, it usually says not valid. As we know, the file formats come out of flip video are limited to mp4 and h.264

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