How to use windows movie maker?
Question by : How to use windows movie maker?
I want to make something like this But i don’t know how to, i have windows live movie maker, but i don’t know how to use it, and put music over the top aswell. So my question is, how can i make a tribute thing like this with music on top and lots of clips and pictures and the bits when you can hear them speaking and still hear the music, on windows movie maker? Step by step instruction please.
Best answer:
Answer by Charlie
How to put music on a video: Download/install the track onto your PC/laptop and simply click audio or music in the import section, then drag it onto the video.
Pictures/video: Save/import the video/image onto your PC/laptop and click videos/pictures and drag it onto the video.
Effects: Click effects in the edit section.
Hope this helps!
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