Lastest Knowing Movie Script News
With death behind / Con la muerte en las espaldas
Image by . SantiMB .
Cunit, Tarragona (Spain).
The photo does not have much detail because it is taken at night and from distant spot. The red eyes are effect of the flash.
La foto no tiene mucho detalle porque está tomada de lejos y de noche. Los ojos rojos son efecto del flash.
Acherontia atropos is the most widely-known of the three species of Death’s-head Hawkmoth. Found throughout the Middle East and the Mediterranean region, and increasingly as far north as southern Great Britain due to recently mild British winters, this moth is easily distinguishable from others in this region by a vaguely skull-shaped pattern on its back. A. atropos is also very large, with a wingspan of 90-130 mm (three to five inches), being the largest moth in some of the regions in which it is found. The adult has the typical streamlined wings and body of Sphingidae. The upper wings are brown with slight yellow wavy lines; the lower wings are yellow with some wide brown waves. It rests during the day on trees or in the litter, holding the wings like a tent over the body.
The moth also has numerous other unusual features. It has the ability to emit a loud squeak if irritated. The sound is produced by expelling air from its proboscis. It often accompanies this sound with flashing its brightly marked abdomen in a further attempt to deter its predators. It is commonly observed raiding beehives for honey at night. Unlike the other species of Acherontia, it only attacks colonies of the well-known Western honey bee, Apis mellifera. It is attacked by guard bees at the entrance, but the thick cuticle and resistance to venom allow it to enter the hive. It is able to move about in hives unmolested because it mimics the scent of the bees.
The skull pattern has helped the moth earn a negative reputation, such as associations with the supernatural and evil. Numerous superstitions claim that the moth brings bad luck to the house into which it flies: death or grave misfortune.
It has been featured in art (notably in The Hireling Shepherd), Bram Stoker’s "Dracula" and in movies, notably in Un chien andalou and the promotional marquee posters for The Silence of the Lambs. In the latter film the moth is used as a calling card by the serial killer "Buffalo Bill", though the movie script refers to Acherontia styx, and the moths that appear in the film are Acherontia atropos. In The Mothman Prophecies this moth is referred to on more than a few occasions. It also appears in the music video to Massive Attack’s single, "Butterfly Caught."
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La esfinge de la calavera o esfinge de la muerte (Acherontia atropos) es una especies de mariposa nocturna de la familia Sphingidae. Su nombre común alude al dibujo que tiene en el dorso del tórax y que se asemeja a una calavera humana.
La especie, originaria del África tropical, realiza migraciones periódicas al continente europeo. El resto de su extensión abarca desde Región Paleártica comprendiendo desde las islas Shetland y Lofoden hasta la Transcaucasia y norte de Irán llegando a alcanzar las Islas Azores.
En climas cálidos produce hasta dos generaciones (mayo-junio y agosto-septiembre); en climas más septentrionales tiene una sola generación. Se puede localizar desde el nivel del mar hasta alrededor de los 1.800 m.
De costumbres crepusculares y nocturnas, se alimenta de savia fermentada, miel y ciertas flores (Jasminium). Aunque su oruga es polífaga tiene especial predilección por las solanáceas.
Con un tamaño considerable, de 9-12 cm en las hembras, este esfíngido emite un zumbido agudo defensivo al ser atacado por sus predadores o al ser molestada al igual que las otras dos especies de Acherontia, Acherontia styx y Acherontia lachessis que habitan en Indonesia.
Archrontia atropos saltó a la fama a raíz del filme "El silencio de los corderos". Su dibujo le ha hecho ganar una reputación negativa, asociándose con fuerzas sobrenaturales malignas, por lo que ha sido presentada en películas como la anteriormente citada y "Un perro andaluz". Numerosas supersticiones afirman que este lepidóptero trae mala suerte a las casas a las que entra.
Los nombres de las especies átropos y styx se relacionan con conceptos asociados a la muerte. La primera se refiere a una de las parcas encargadas de cortar el hilo de la vida, en la mitología griega, y la segunda a la laguna Estigia que rodea la región de los muertos, en la misma mitología.
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