A Comparison Between 2 Popular Article Directory Scripts
A Comparison Between 2 Popular Article Directory Scripts
You want to run an article directory and can’t decide which script to use. In this article I compare 2 of the more popular article directory scripts and try to decide which I prefer and will tell you why.
Setting A Directory Up
Article Dashboard: I launched my first directory using the free Article Dashboard script on July 3rd 2007. It took about 3 weeks and many visits to the Article Dashboard forum asking for advice to get it up and running.
Article Friendly: I set my paid for Article Friendly script directory up on November 3rd 2008. It took 1 hour to get it up and running with no help.
Why the difference? First time round I was new to php and absolutely hopeless with understanding scripts and learned more over time. Even so I believe that the AF script is easier to install.