Activity Internet Marketing Information,
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Activity Internet Marketing Information,
Internet marketing has many characteristics that separate this marketing method from the mainstream business.
Here are a few positive factors that make Internet marketing a very attractive business opportunity.
You can start and operate an Internet business as an individual or as a family venture.
You can start part time from home, eliminating the cost of an office. Most homes have computers connected to the Internet; hence there is no need for capital investment.
There are thousands of small Internet businesses operating out of homes, apartments, and mobile homes. They don’t have a neon sign pointing to their location. It’s not because they wish to be secretive, it’s just because their customers are worldwide and there is no reason to advertise in this manner.
technology and affordable equipment gives access to business
opportunities that were once limited to workers in commercial settings.
Today anyone with some computer experience and Internet connection can built a good business Internet Marketing. In fact one of the fastest growing segment of home business, is part time Internet Marketing.
Once you dig your way through all the hype, scams and frauds, you find that there is a future in marketing on the Internet.
When you start make sure you wouldn’t be one more of the problems. Check out the governing regulations that effect Internet marketing. Go to;
Get familiar with the regulations and check out some of the other
helpful links to tips, fraud.
If you intend on making a living on the Internet start out part time. The failing rate on the Internet is over 94
percent, mostly because they buy into the MLM Marketer that promises all you have to do is join as a paid member.
In your dealings with others, make sure you have proper disclosures as required by law. To be an effective marketer, don’t be untruthful, make false, misleading statements. Further remember you are responsible for statements made by the MLM marketer if you are an affiliate selling for them. You too could be charged and fined along with the MLM you are promoting.
If you do want to sell a product for a MLM make sure you check them out. Then you need to get the script that will shorten the URL you are given to promote with, or learn how to clone the URL so your commission is not stolen. Join a couple forums, and ask if anyone could give you the script to be able to do either of the above. Most people in forums will help because it also gives
them a plug.
The costs involved for security in the early 2000’s, made this part of Internet marketing the domain of large corporations. However by the middle of 2000, with widespread of network appliances coming online, small business and homeowners have found security is becoming reasonably priced.
Some sound computer advice if followed will not cost you a cent and should be the main most important security you can give to your online marketing experience. Just don’t get lured into a false sense of security just because you have security software installed. There is no software on the market that can stop a virus from getting on your computer.
Start with a solid password for your computer. Forget your favourite cat or dogs name. Come up with something, like close your eyes over your computer and punch 15-20 keys. Then pick out
about 11-12 of the keys you punch and this will be your PW Code. Write it down in a little codebook you can carry in your pocket, never leave it on your computer.
Next never open an attachment unless you know who is sending it and you are expecting it. Be careful when downloading free offers, gifts, too. Great place for a virus to get a free ride into your computer.
Shaw is my server and they supply me with a free centralized firewall, which check for signs of unwanted visitors. They provide a log of attempted access to my computer, so you know who is trying to get in. This paper trail is for prevention and tracing. Most fraud artist knows this and will go to a less secure site.
A teacher was getting to know the kids in here class, asking their names, where their dad worked. The little girl answered,” My name is Judy, my father is a
postman”. The next child, a boy said, “ my name is Paul and my dad is a striptease artist”
The teacher gasped and quickly changed the subject. Later, in the schoolyard, the teacher approached Paul and asked him if it was true that his dad was a striptease artist. Little Paul blushed and said, “no, he’s really a Software Information Director at Microsoft Corp, but I am too embarrassed to tell anyone
If you don’t have anything of your own to sell it may be worth checking out Public Domain. There are many books, movies, newspapers that are in Public Domain. These are no longer cover by copyright and can be used by anyone, fully, or changed to suit the new author.
Domain Information
When a work is in the public domain, it means that the work is free to use without paying royalties.
When the creator of a work
dies, the rights to benefit from a work passes to his/her family and continues for 70 years after the creator’s death; at that point, the work enters the public domain.
There are many books, movies, newspapers that are in Public Domain. These are no longer cover by copyright and can be used by anyone, fully, or changed to suit the new author.
For example every issue of any magazine, who’s copyright was not renewed in the U.S.A. between the years of 1923 and 1964 becomes Public Domain. Records show only about 1,500 ever renewed their copyrights. Every issue of any magazine whose copyright was not renewed in the 28th year of first publication is now Public Domain.
A work may be in the public domain because:
It was created before copyright laws.
Its copyright protection has expired.
It never had copyright protection or its
protection was lost, (example: a work published before March 1, 1989 and did not carry a copyright notice),
It was dedicated to the public domain.
The following items are never covered by copyright:
Works. If created by the U.S. government (except under contract).
Reprints of works in the public domain (but a license may restrict use.)
Ideas, facts, and common property (i.e., calendars and phone books) federal laws and court decisions words, names, slogans and phrases. Most blank forms, discoveries, procedures, and systems (but not the words that describe them.)
While the Canadian government claims Crown copyright there are images archives at the National
Library of Canada that are in the public domain. They include:
While the Canadian government claims Crown copyright there are images archives at the National Library of Canada that are in the public domain. They include:
Early Images of Canada 550 images
In July/2009, Google announced some exciting news that will definitely impact your ability to find quality Public Domain Images…for the better! They extended the functionality of Google Image Search to now include the ability of
filtering search results based on Usage Rights. To access this new feature, you will want to click on “Advanced Image Search.” With this new feature, Google provides us with a few options:
Not filtered by license (default)
Labelled for reuse
Labelled for commercial reuse
Labelled for reuse with modification
Labelled for commercial reuse with modification.
There are many items around your home, you no longer have use for, but others may want to buy. A friend of mine was a Johnny Cash fan, had a bunch of his records he was going to throw out. Hi son took them, put them on sale on e bay, and sold most of them at . Each. Old books, certain T Shirts, are good sellers. Take a look around your home; you’d be surprised at the stuff you could sell.
Another way is to find a good drop shipper, and find goods
you can sell at a profit on eBay, or via your website.
Don’t get sucked into being an affiliate for some MLM scheme. Many are just an extension to chain letters and are not legal. Remember if you do sell for some MLM firm and they are not legal, you too could be charged. Further, you are given a long URL, which most persons will not click on. In fact you will be just giving free advertising for the MLM, as many will just chop off your affiliate link and deal direct with the firm, getting the commission you should have earned.
Don’t get suck into free websites. When I first came on the net I seen an ad that promise a free website with 5 streams of income. Just what I needed. Yes my lucky day, a free website bringing in 5 streams of income. The only problem was he also looked after my cpanel. Being a newbie it took me 6 months to catch on the 6 streams of
income were going to the guy, not me.
If your not experienced in putting up a website, get someone to do it for you. By reading forums I was lucky enough to contact a young lady by the name of Robyn. She set up a website for me, and showed me how to operate my cpanel, and have received help from her in marketing. She operates, and is a person you can trust. I have been with her since 2003, and have received great service.
Nothing comes easy. Take time to learn and you will earn.
Article Source: Bruce Chambers sold his printing, publishing, mail order business and retired in 1980. He came on the Internet in 2003. He researched for 1 year, and then started a free monthly Internet marketing report, plus free monthly recipes, bar mixes, tips newsletters.
At present he resells from his website. You can subscribe to either or both free newsletters by going to his web site. Please visit:
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