Aircraft In Fiction
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Aircraft In Fiction
A-4 Skyhawk
The A-4 Skyhawk was featured as an aggressor aircraft in the film Top Gun. Producers reimbursed the US Navy ,600 an hour for flight time used in the movie.
A Skyhawk from the Israeli Air Force is featured the opening scene of the film The Sum of All Fears and on the cover of the first and second editions of the novel the movie was based on.
A-6 Intruder
The 1991 film Flight of the Intruder centered around two naval aviators during the Vietnam War that take their A-6 Intruder on an unauthorized bombing raid on Hanoi.
A-10 Thunderbolt II
The Transformers toy character of Wingblade as a robot and A-10 Thunderbolt II by Hasbro
The evil Gobots character Bad Boy and the heroic Transformers character Powerglide both disguise themselves as A-10 Thunderbolt IIs.
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