Appointment Setting Scripts ? Pique Their Interest To Get In The Door
Appointment Setting Scripts ? Pique Their Interest To Get In The Door
Getting an appointment can cause you to do a New Jersey style fist pump. It might have been a prospect that you had been working for weeks to get on their calendar and finally gave in and gave you a time slot. Will that result in a sale? You can’t quite be sure until after the meeting, but the bigger question is how do you make this a regular occurrence?
How do you ensure as you dial the phone each day that getting appointments isn’t a big deal? Of course you will always be a bit excited about confirming a time to meet, but it should be so regular it shouldn’t be the success. When you get an appointment you no longer will have to tell those you work with, you will merely mark down another appointment on your calendar!
When you are working the phones to set appointments, you can get far more meetings when you stop selling. There