Are movie budgets out of control?
Question by GK Dub: Are movie budgets out of control?
Movies have been getting ridiculously expensive over the last few years. I read that “Spider-Man 3” cost $ 258 million to make. “POTC: At Worlds End” cost $ 300 million to make. Even more simple movies like “Ocean’s 13” and “Shrek The Third” had a budget of $ 150 million! Is this really necessary? I saw Spider-Man 3 and liked it, but I fail to see why it would cost $ 258 million. The last Indiana Jones only cost $ 36 million, and even Terminator 2 cost $ 100 million. If anything, movies should be getting cheaper to make because all the make-up, stuntmen, and monsters can be done with computers. I understand technology costs money, but in the hundreds of millions!?!? If you do the math, you’ll see that just 4 or 5 of this summer’s movies cost over a billion dollars to make! Are budgets out of control?
Best answer:
Answer by Katrina R
Yes when you point it out it is crazy. Just think were all the money could be going. Yes I ove being entertained but gee- could they have still made the movie with less money- I think so.
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