are there any other poisons that would be as effective as cyanide?
Question by highyellowbabydoll: are there any other poisons that would be as effective as cyanide?
i’m researching this for a action script i’m writing.
I have this scene where the female main character kills her target using a cyanide laced tablet and how she does it is she has a the tablet on her tongue, note that under the tablet she has some kind of a wide strip that covers her tongue an protects it so she won’t be affected by it. She opens her mouth and does something to make the pill travel to his mouth(he swallows it of course)
but i don’t know where to begin to research how one would purchase cyanide online or out of the states and who takes part in selling it so the the detectives in my script can trace the cyanide back to whoever.
is there any other poisons that would be as effective as cyanide?
no research should never be easy i guess.
of course i’m not thinking of killing anyone. this for the greater good of my script.
Best answer:
Answer by Ali V
Arsenic, Riccin, Anthrax ( you get that on the internet I believe – something to do with cows???)
Did you know that some people (rare tho) have a gene that can smell Cyanide. So if they were doing an autopsy they would smell almonds
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