are they ever going to finish making certain books into movies?
Question by DoN’t_JuDgE_mE: are they ever going to finish making certain books into movies?
are they ever going to finish making the following book series into movies?: the remaining 5 “Narnia” books, the remaining 10 “series of unfortunate events” books and like harry potter 7 (pretty sure about that one will) and later on “Percy Jackson and the Olympians”?
Best answer:
Answer by Pudinii
They’re in post-production of the next Narnia, I think. Ah, I know there is going to be another.
I doubt they’ll ever continue SOUE, but I honestly don’t know. I hope they do. That was an awesome movie XD
I’m not a fan of Harry Potter, but the fans might kill someone if it doesn’t get made o.O
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