Article Writing: How to Write Articles
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everybody purchase at the Ideal Home Exhibition, but many buy the Ideal Home magazine to inexpensively copy from it. Most magazines and newspapers, even The Times, has cookery columns -cookery books sell ‘like hot cake’. Magazine and newspaper agony or advice columns are often about problems directly or indirectly involving sex -a paperback on how to tell if a man was cheating on a woman, in one single day had to be re-stocked several times by Selfridges and Harrods, on first night went into third print!
It pays in article writing. But article writing can be on, e.g., water.
2. Viewpoint in Writing Articles
If you are writing articles, e.g., for a water-bottling firm’s trade magazine, write from its viewpoint: ‘bottled water better!’ … Or…
Cookery column: how water can be used to make lighter pastry.
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