Article Writing: How to Write Articles
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Writing articles of the informative kind there are two kinds of, which differ from most other kinds of article writing: the instructive ‘how to’ articles (e.g., some cookery columns), and the descriptive travel articles. Often they are accompanied by photographs or drawings.
These techniques of writing articles vary. State the title, begin: e.g.: ‘How to Repair a Punctured Bicycle Tire’… 1. Inflate it (illustration)… 2. Place it in a bucket of water (illustration)… 3. Look for air bubbles (illustration)… etc. Or, (unless to attract tourists or praise or criticise), e.g.: ‘Cyprus’… Geographically situated in the Mediterranean (a map)… The history of this little island… Prominent in this district is the St. Hilarion Castle (picture), etc.
Generally, in writing freelance articles, stick to the rules below.
4. ‘The
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