Article Writing: How to Write Articles
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Beginning’ in Article Writing
When writing an article begin by briefly saying what the article is about. Tell readers what your article is going to tell them. Whet their appetite for what you will tell them, in less than 100 words.
In writing articles, at the beginning, create a little ‘suspense’…
Cookery: ‘Did you know that you can surprise, amaze, with your baking -make others ask for your recipes? You can, using water ~they’ll ask the secret!’
Health: ‘Water isn’t only essential for our proper functioning, both, physically and mentally; it’s healthier than fruit juice -more than orange, grape juice.’
Beauty: ‘Can water keep you young? Have you ever wondered why flowers in a vase stay fresh only so long as there is water in it -and why the water needs to be changed to keep them fresh? Water can work wonders
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