Article Writing: How to Write Articles
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qualities, constituents of water; why it is essential, which vitamins contain fruit, vegetable juices; how water contains all those with more.
Beauty: why, indeed, it is that flowers in a vase need water to remain fresh, how flowers whither if the water in the vase is not changed daily to replace the used up oxygen in it.. and that so is all life, so our bodies and skins.
Teen boys: the reason for tides, magnetic pull of the moon on oxygen in water; that water is two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen; ‘lunatic’ from ‘luna’, lunar pull on our bodies -80% liquid; magnet on glass raises water.
Teen girls: white roses, stems in water at night with few drops of blue ink; how, why petals blue by morning; and yellow daisies, with red ink.
Children: how, why, peas on wetted blotting paper in box small grows shoots.
In article
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