Article Writing: How to Write Articles
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writing, in the middle you expand the beginning, and also justify the point to be made or emphasised in the ending.
6. Write Articles with Good Endings
When you write articles summarise them at the end. In freelance article writing this is done with a paragraph of not more than 200 words, or two of not more than 100 words each.
Endings of articles are regarded as ‘telling them what you have told them.’ In article writing readers expect a point to be made or emphasised in the ending -make them feel privileged, go “How so, indeed!”, or “Well, if viewed from that point, of course so.” A articles do not have to argue points, but must end satisfactorily.
Bottled-water journal: ‘How unhealthy is tap water! Bless you bottled water!’
Cookery column: ‘A great way to save on ingredients and impress friends!’
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