Article Writing: How to Write Articles
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expert witness as the top columnist of the Times was an unpublished young lady who was writing a novel.
If your article writing ambitions include power, the influence of some columnists’, concentrate on writing socio-political feature articles, perhaps first locally -be inoffensive, factual, logical…
Newspaper -end: ‘Bottled costs money! When will tap water be safe to drink!?’
If you aspire to writing intellectual or literary articles try college magazines -note: they tend to be ‘modern’. Such ‘littles’ often pay in copies, but are regarded as publishers of ‘quality writing’.
Littles titles: ‘Is Global Warming and Melting Icebergs Worth the Expense?’
‘Inspirational Beauty of Water-ways Viewed from a Hill-top in Fall at Sunset’
Is literary article writing beyond some writers? Conrad influenced English
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