Article Writing: How to Write Articles
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various purposes [if, e.g., it does not exploit the market] reproduction in whole without the permission and the knowledge of the author. One may not be prosecuted for copyright infringement (except in some cases of digital reproduction), but if can show resultant economic loss (e.g., that one would have financially benefited oneself) one may sue civil law –and it is lawful (without defaming = if true) to reasonably publicize plagiarism.
(If you submit an articles to internet article-sites copyright-free, despite reputable ones’ conditions for re-publication, beware, by some they may re-published without any links or be plagiarized [appear under an author name other than your name or pen-name/s] –as, e.g., this article had been plagiarised on academic ‘ilmkidunya’.)
When writing articles also bear in mind: some publications will
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