Best free video editing software to make a movie trailer?
Question by lilqtgirlpinay: Best free video editing software to make a movie trailer?
I have to create a movie trailer for my English project and I was wondering what would be the best free editing software to use. I want it to at least look semi-fancy, instead of just something I threw together on Windows Movie Maker. I’m not a complete beginner, but I’m not expert. I would appreciate your suggestions!
Please and thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by Fireater989
Try muvee Reveal. I think you can get a trial version with all the features which will work well for your English project. It has several predefined styles for making movies. It’s more of a designer software than an editor. If you’re adept at Movie Maker, you can at least edit the video so it all goes together smoothly and then import it into Reveal to finalize it.
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