Best programs for making slideshow with movie clips, music, and pictures?
Question by Miranda: Best programs for making slideshow with movie clips, music, and pictures?
My brother is getting married this fall and I offered to make their slideshow for the reception party. I’m pretty good with microsoft powerpoint, but wondered about any free programs that might be better or have really nice, pretty effects?
I already know how to do music and pictures, but id like to add some clips from home movies maybe too that are on VHS? How would i go about doing that?
ANY tips or advice would be very much appreciated :-))))
Best answer:
Answer by Rayman will
I think make a video slideshow will be better for the wedding. Since you have made the PowerPoint, you can :
Method A:(For all PowerPoint versions)
Use a PowerPoint to video converter like
Moyea PPT to Video Converter
to convert your powerpoint file to video format directly.
Method B: (for PowerPoint 2010 user):
If you are using PowerPoint 2010, you can use the newly added function to directly save PowerPoint as WMV (only) format:
Notice: All your PowerPoint original elements like animations, transitions, video clips, sounds, fonts and languages will be removed when you save your powerpoint slides as images using Method A so that you have to reinsert such things using Windows Movie Maker. While, Method B & C will preserve all the original elements of your PowerPoint file.And Method gives you more video format choices.
ideas on how to make wedding PowerPoint:
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