Best video Format for Windows Movie Maker?
Question by Taylor ツ: Best video Format for Windows Movie Maker?
so i want to start making videos, and i have a good camera, the only problem is when i save it to my computer and edit on windows movie maker, the quality of the video comes out terrible. is there a different format i should be using or do i need a new software? any advice? also, if your suggesting a software can it be a free one because i don’t have $ 100+ to spend on it. >.>
Best answer:
Answer by cameron
Windows Movie maker only recognizes .WMV format. Plus, Movie Maker is a horrible peice of software in the first place. If you plan on doing a lot of editing, I highly suggest getting something a bit more up to pace. You may have to spend a bit of money ($ 30-$ 60), but the video quality of the finished product is well worth it.
Ps- check the specs or you computer. the processor speed and video card will greatly affect your video quality.
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