boring life,no talent,no skill wasting?
Question by Yea, u know da name: boring life,no talent,no skill wasting?
i have tried to spread out and try other things i like, i am interested in movie making & music, and other things of the sort, its just that i feel so untalented at everything, everything i try i suck at it, but i dont feel that way,
i feel as though i am supposed to do more than just go to colledge and get a good job.
i tried making music a couple times before, but then i hear on the radio a song of the same genre of music that i may have made, and my music sounds like garbage, i have tried making movies, art, acting, the whole shibang.
i sometimes just try not to get involved with the things that take talent because i know i will fail, but it feels like a sin to just go from day to day, doing the same old same old just so i can get a mediocre job and die a boring life,
thats not living, thats existing, and i dont want to just “exist”, what should i do… im only 15 and i feel indifferent
Best answer:
Answer by angels_amoung_us
hi, i am sorry that you feel that way, i have a child the same age as you and i tell her all the time, you are good at allot of things but there is allot you have not tried, so you can judge yourself yet.
You are still very young and you have allot of growing to do and allot more to learn,, so don’t be so hard on yourself hon. it will all come in time, and you speak very well and your writing is very well have you have thought of writing . maybe writing songs,
that’s a new things to try, i hope it all works out for you hon, you seem like a very smart young man, and i know it will work out for you.
take care :)))))))))))))))))
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