Breaking the Ice in Insurance Selling


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selling scripts
by quapan

Breaking the Ice in Insurance Selling

There are many ways we can approach a prospect in insurance selling. However just because we have approached them doesn’t mean that we can break down their wall. Why do you suppose people put up walls when talking to a salesmen? Do you want me to tell you the honest answer; do we really need to go into that much detail?

When we approach a prospective client in insurance selling many things are bombarding their mind. Many things are running through their head that don’t sit well. Our over all presence on the phone or in person is hitting a topic many don’t wish to discuss. This makes people uneasy and even more specific asking personal questions to a stranger make us uncomfortable and they know it.

So from the beginning we are going to have a hard time. Although taking a page from “the forgetful salesmen” just might

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