Burn Windows Movie Maker video to DVD with DVD Flick


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by default) to burn the files to DVD. It usually locates under /DVD Flick/imgburn/imgburn.exe (DVD Flick installation folder). Note that this is not a DATA DVD, it will be a video DVD that you can play in any standard DVD player like any other DVD movie. Follow these instructions while opening ImgBurn. 1. Click on the Write Files/Folders to Disc option. 2. Now click on the “Browse for a folder” icon at the right side tool bar. 3. In the pop-up dialog, locate the folder on your hard drive where the files were exported from DVD Flick. Basically select the folder that is called “dvd”, which is the direct parent of both the AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS folders. 4. Insert a blank DVD and then click on the Build It button at the bottom. It’s the one with the folder and the green icon pointing to the DVD. All Done! Once DVD burning has completed, you can

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