Can Atropine be used to stop the effects of Sarin Gas?
Question by Debilitated Soul: Can Atropine be used to stop the effects of Sarin Gas?
I was watching The Rock a little bit earlier and in the movie they were going to use an injection of Atropine to the heart to I guess prevent or reverse the effects of Sarin Nerve Gas. That doesn’t make any sense to me I know Atropine can be used to resuscitate someone but they were still alive and going to inject it. Also doesn’t Sarin attack the CNS? How would Atropine even help that?
Thank you Samuel!
Best answer:
Answer by Samuel
Yes and here’s why:
Atropine is used to treat sarin toxicity by antagonizing the effect of ACh at muscarinic ACh receptors, independent of AChE (Krejcova, Kassa & Vacek, 2002); thus, atropine results in a reduction of the muscarinic symptoms of sarin.
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