Clint Eastwood Meets Mister Ed – 1 of 2 (Captioned)
Video 2:
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Info and video continues from part 2 IN AUGUST 2008 THENEOCONNED BUSH REGIME AND CORPORATE MEDIA WERE HEADING THE INNOCENT WORLD TOWARD NUCLEAR WAR. part 3 During 8 years of Bush-Cheney, America lost the moral high ground. Hypocrisy has become Americas best known hallmark. Bush, the invader of Iraq on the basis of lies and deception, thundered at Russia for coming to the defense of its peacekeepers and Russian citizens in South Ossetia. Bush, the vampire who finalized ripping Kosovo out of Serbias heart and handed it to the Muslims, has taken an adamant stand against other separatist movements, especially the South Ossetians who wish to end years of Georgian terror. The neoconned Bush Regime was so furious that the Russian bear was not intimidated by the aggression of the its puppet Saakashvili. Instead of accepting the act of NATOs hegemony that the neocon script called for, Russia sent the Georgian army fleeing in fear. Having failed with weapons, the Bush Regime unleashed the rhetoric. The Bush government was warning Russia that failure to acquiesce to US hegemony could have a significant, long-term impact on relations between Washington and Moscow. President Reagan negotiated the end of the cold war with Soviet President Gorbachev. The neoconservatives, whom Reagan fired and drove from his administration, were furious. The neocons had hoped to win the cold war, thereby establishing American hegemony. The Republican Establishment reestablished its …
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