Cloud Strife


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Biggs: Oh!! That’s more like it! Even if you were with SOLDIER, you’re still a rookie here. Square Co.. Final Fantasy VII. (SCE America). PlayStation. (1997-09-07)

^ Cloud: Wedge!! You all right!? / Wedge: …….Cloud…… You remembered….. my name. Barret’s up top. …help him……. An’ Cloud…. Sorry, I wasn’t any help. / Cloud: I’m going up! Aeris, you look after Wedge.Square Co.. Final Fantasy VII. (SCE America). PlayStation. (1997-09-07)

^ Before leaving Nibelheim, Cloud declared that “Il be a SOLDIER” to a village girl, Tifa, with whom he secretly fell in love, and made a promise to protect her. (Crisis Core Ultimania)

^ a b Cloud: But I’m different from all of them. I’m not just going to find a job. I want to join SOLDIER. I’m going to be the best there is, just like Sephiroth. Square Co.. Final Fantasy VII. (SCE America). PlayStation.

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