Cloud Strife
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Sector 7 and to rescue Tifa in Sector 6, despite Cloud being her bodyguard and the danger present. Aerith also inquires about Cloud’s romantic life, and, depending on the player’s dialogue choices and actions, could be one of several characters to take Cloud on a “date” at the Golden Saucer, an enormous amusement park, along with Tifa, and less seriously, Barret and optional character Yuffie. This love triangle aspect between Cloud, Tifa and Aerith is primarily focused on in the first disc, and at times is used to humorous effect.
When the player arrives at the inn in the town of Kalm, Cloud narrates to the group his history with Sephiroth, a legendary member of SOLDIER and the game’s primary antagonist. According to Cloud, the two were “war buddies,” having worked together on previous missions prior to the one in Nibelheim. Having joined SOLDIER to emulate Sephiroth,
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