Cloud Strife
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Cloud states in the flashback that he signs up for “big missions” whenever they become available, as the war had already ended and thus his chances for fame. When Sephiroth, upon discovering documents surrounding the nature of Jenova and his birth, mistakes himself to be a Cetra and razes Nibelheim, Cloud chases after him. Finding Tifa wounded by Sephiroth at the Mt. Nibel Mako Reactor, Cloud discovers Sephiroth releasing Jenova, an extraterrestrial life-form and Sephiroth’s “mother,” from imprisonment. Cloud relates to the group that he then confronted Sephiroth, although he is unable to remember the events directly following.
In fact, these events did not occur as Cloud describes; rather, they are an amalgamation of Cloud’s actual past (as a member of the Shinra army who failed to enter SOLDIER) along with his friend Zack’s own past, mixed with memories gleaned from
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