Comic Book and Superhero Movies- a Genre in Transition
properties announced and in development, the future of the genre really can’t go anywhere but up, up and away.
Andrew writes for the movie collectibles site STARSTORE and their many blogs, as well as being a renowned music journalist and SF author. For more great articles and news on the movies, comics and merchandise industry, check out The Famous Starstore Blog.
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This is a FAN MADE theatrical trailer for BREAKING DAWN. There is no official plan that I am aware of to even make this book into a movie so my reference to a “Christmas 2011” release is simply for trailer making purposes. This is the 4th Book in the Twilight series written by Stephenie Meyer. If you have not read the books, it is probably best not to watch! Don’t forget to click on the “watch in HD” at the bottom right of the video. Renesmee (the older version) is portrayed by Cleopatra Stratan (search for her, she is a Romanian child star/singer). The younger Renesmee is a child from one of Cleopatra’s music videos (name unknown). I tried to capture the main themes of the book. 1) Bella & Edward’s Marriage/Honeymoon 2) Bella getting pregnant 3) Bella turning into a vampire 4) Renesmee 5) Renesmee & Jacob 6) The Cottage 7) The Volturi 8) The Pack 9) The vampires who stand with the Cullens 10) Bella’s new talent Gah! This book has almost too much to cram into a trailer! 😀 I just want to mention that I am an avid Twilight fan and I really enjoy making these videos. However, after some of the comments I received on my New Moon Trailer, I want to make it clear that I respect your opinions, but please be respectful of how hard I work on these videos. I do not have fancy editing software and it is sometimes difficult to find clips that match exactly what I would like to portray for the book. So, if a clip or image, the music, or the fact I reuse Twilight footage bothers you …