Community Calendar

DC Media Makers meet at NPR March 25th 2009
making a movie online
Image by ShashiBellamkonda
Producer Steve Fisher and Writer/Director Michael Dougherty, of Browncoats Redemption (a great fan movie being produced as a charity fundraiser). -Learn the ins/outs of production and what Steve’s team is doing online and off to make this movie happen.


–the charities it will benefit ?page_id=74

3.) Scott Stead, Founder of DC’s Documentary Club and longtime DC Media Maker, CNN tech guru, and more. -Learn what Documentary Club has in store this year.



(cc) Shashi Bellamkonda Social Media Swami (cc) Network Solutions

Community Calendar
Deadline for items for the Community Calendar is Wednesday at noon two weeks before desired publication date. Send information to Community Calendar, Pioneer Press, 3701 W. Lake Ave., Glenview IL 60026; fax (847) 486-7495; or e-mail to
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Picker column: Offseason projects to occupy your minds
It seems like only the year before yesterday when we were combing the warm beaches with our toes and thinking about picking the Packers and Steelers to play for it all – talk about a season made long …
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Documentary Connects Lakeland Professor With His Cuban Roots
In June of 1980, a 13-year-old boy boarded an overloaded boat in Cuba’s Mariel Harbor and began a frightful, 19-hour journey through rough seas to Key West.
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