Convert Movie Maker video to Flash for publishing on website


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Convert Movie Maker video to Flash for publishing on website

Windows Movie Maker (often abbreviated to “WMM”), a fantastic video creator and editor, is always the first and best choice for Windows users to DIY their source videos. It contains versatile and friendly features, such as drag-and-drop user interface, capturing live audio and video, timeline narration, transitions and video effects, synchronizing media elements, automatically making a movie, publish your movie, etc.

Sometimes, you may wonder to export the Movie Maker video to flash for website. However, when get to know that HTML background knowledge is a must to publish video to web page or blog, you quit. Now, you can achieve it without any programming job, with the easiest and efficient tool-Windows Movie Maker to Flash Converter.

What can the WMM to Flash Converter do for you?
1. Convert almost any popular video to

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