Copyright void, please help?
Question by Jason: Copyright void, please help?
I have a disk that teaches how to make mario based flash games. Now I completely rebuilt the game from charaters, bad guys, and display. pretty much the whole thing. However, the script and platform editor is almost the same. I do plan on changing that because I wish to add bosses, health, increase the number of lives, and so much more. Now one more thing that I need to know if I have voided this copyright, is that I was going to post it on a website, and may possibly be sold. But the selling is questionable. I dont really care to make profit on this. I just want to know if what i have change, makes this flash game, my own in some aspect. At least to where it voids the previous owners protection.
Best answer:
Answer by LBerry
you need to know what exectly is copyrighted.
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