Dirty Roulette Tips and Tricks


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remove the high value 0 chip, to limit your loss.

Dirty Roulette Tip and Trick #4 ? The Croupier’s Signature

Croupiers are trained to spin the roulette ball in a random speed or order over the roulette wheel. But they are human. And like everyone else they become bored, tired and careless. This is when they can slip from their training and make easy to spot mistakes, which can give you an advantage.

Plus over time, croupiers after performing thousands of spins develop “muscle memory”. When this happens veteran roulette players claim that if you take the time to watch them long enough, you can determine telltale motions that you can use to cheat that particular table.

Naturally using dirty roulette tips and tricks can lead you to big trouble in a real live casino, but learning how to master them to impress and amaze your

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