DK Global Corporate Short Films

Today’s economy requires a unique, fresh marketing approach. You need a marketing plan that works! Your company deserves a dynamic message that impacts your customers and persuasively presents your unique services, an engaging video that demonstrates your company’s strengths. Corporate short films take the best marketing tools; print, web and video and combine them into a single media designed to do one thing…Get results! One price…many applications – Web – DVD media – Broadcast TV – Cinema ads Starting at around 00 you will have a broadcast quality video that stars your best selling tool…you! These one to two minute documentaries highlight the uniqueness of you and your company’s products and services, giving your audience a true appreciation of what your company does How do you get started? DK’s production team will come to your office, interview you or your staff, write a script, video tape you and your products, all in the same day. CALL NOW! DK’s creative team is waiting to serve you.

ACold Case from the beginning. George stops the questioning, you will notice, when they attempt to get him on record on his big lie, on the last time he saw Caylee………. More on George: Waiting on Response for anthony Cancelation (wanting Celebrity Activist Status and ride in limos) In this vid, again you see the Romanesque posturing of George–Im PROUD of my daughter! All he needs is a flowing toga and wreath of olive leaves! Such statements are nothing but self-serving–(see what a good loving dad I am?) Such A loving Dad who refused a poly-, DNA, any followup interviews with LE, had to be physically pulled away from this daughter hes so proud of…who thru his own father thru a plate glass window–who spent K on something for the family? (sure) who secretly took out credit cards in his wifes name and maxed them, who cant keep a job, so says hes retired (at 57?)and hangs out with people with judgments against them for nefarioius deals, in addition to selling T-shirts to desperate parents who are missing children, despite the latter are getting world-wide TV coverage. As if the T-shirts, and driving a sign-board around town ever find any children. The T-shirts and hauling a sign around are to get donations—and a cut of the action. No, the As are willing to go to any lengths, including hints of suicide, etc… to get into the lucrative missing child biz, the starving child biz, etc…. that are not adequately regulated, and are attractive honey

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