Do actors always read their scripts like this?
Question by xXallieXx: Do actors always read their scripts like this?
Some movies have the actors sit at a table and read the script together. Does this happen often? It may be mainly for tv shows. bt for movies, actors hav to read it on their own time correct?
Best answer:
Answer by hp_resource
There’s often a read-through very early on, when the script is first completed. Especially with movies, and often with TV shows also, there’s an hour or two where the actors read through the whole thing together at a table. This is only done once, and actors learn memorize their lines later, in their own time.
The read-through is basically when actors ask their basic questions about line delivery, characterization, etc so that they can prepare before shooting. The more they know about how to act during a scene, the more time is saved when on set. Sitting around the table and reading through also gives the writers a sense of “is this going to work?” and they have time to rewrite and change a few things before shooting.
The script is often rewritten a few times after this first read-through, so actors get pieces of the final scripts and learn their lines on a weekly/daily basis depending on the next scenes being shot.
Hope that helps!
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