Do you have to have permission to wear certain logos in an indy movie?
Question by Raynell Entertainment: Do you have to have permission to wear certain logos in an indy movie?
I’m an independent filmmaker. I’m making an independent film and want to know, Do you have to have permission to wear certain logos on clothing or any other products that may be filmed? for example do i need to contact the nba to wear a jersey with the jerry west symbol logo on it? If so, can somebody point me to the write direction on the internet for these types of forms. Thank you
Best answer:
Answer by nowhereman136
Not if you plan to make money off the movie
if you release it to the public, technecally, you do need permission from the company
you may get away with it if the film is not seen by many people and you dont over uses the company
some companies like Coca-Cola really dont care if you use a can in you movie, but you will run the risk of being sued depending on what company and how much of thier product u use
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