Do you think that they should make a movie about barack obama when his term ends in 2013 or 2017?
Question by Alex E™: Do you think that they should make a movie about barack obama when his term ends in 2013 or 2017?
They should show it at the movie theaters everywhere in the united states.I think it will be a great idea on making a movie about him making history and becoming the first man of color to be president of the united states.They should start making it in 2013 or 2017.
The character playing barack should be Denzel Washington or will smith.
I’m serious,if he does great job in his term and the economy recovers and stays strong during his term,the Creator of the movie will make more than $ 1 million dollars and the ticket sales results will be about 500,000 tickets sold.
edit:They made a movie about Bobby and John Kennedy so why can’t they make a movie about obama?
Best answer:
Answer by Hagar
For what reason? Nobody will be able to afford to go to the movie because of his economy recovery plans. The unemployment rate will be about 18-20% and interest rates will be through the roof. The Candyman is doing the samething President Jimmy Carter did in the 70’s and nobody made a movie about him. If they do make the movie Hollywood should name it “How to Ruin the Country in Four Years.”
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