Do your kids get very hyper after watching TV?
Question by Thinking: Do your kids get very hyper after watching TV?
My BF has a 6 y/o. His TV time is very limited, and he’s not allowed to watch anything with violence.
If he watches “Spiderman” for instance, he’s flying off the walls for hours hitting the cat and dogs (and even himself!). He’s not allowed to watch that or any other kid show with violence.
My BF and I don’t have cable. It would be a waste of money if we had it because we never sit down to watch the TV. We’re not completely odd; we do like to watch a DVD at night before bed occasionally.
Anyways, why on earth would PBS or non-violent kids movies make him run around in circles, stomp, and jump around the house? Everytime he watches TV he becomes more defiant and hyper (especially if I’m the only one here).
His psychiatrists is against diagnosing.
He had symptoms of ADHD and Bipolar, and is on meds for both.
Best answer:
Answer by Jennifer C
My 7 yr old wants to act out what he just watched, weather it be dancing, fighting (power rangers) I have decided what he can and can’t watch now! (more than before)
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